Home Authors Posts by Dhaanappagouda Patil

Dhaanappagouda Patil

I am a kind and fun loving person. The fool didn't know it was impossible. So he did it. gundupatil@hotmail.com

Posts by Dhaanappagouda Patil

To enable the browser fullscreen in Javascript Javascript offers requestFullscreen() method, you can call this method with respect to any element that should be...
Global Error Handler : At some point in our project development work we feel the need to handle all the errors of API calls at one place....
Deploying Angular 8 application to IIS server is very straight forward. All we need to do is take care of few things, First,...
Sometimes in your code you want to execute functions serially that is one line after another as JavaScript is in asynchronous nature whenever it encounters callbacks or...
Angular 8 New Features : Angular 8 is out now with its improvements in workflow and performances. Angular team is keep on updating Angular with new...
Did you ever wonder how angular bootstraps application. Many beginners struggle to get the hang of angular bootstrap process. Once you understand bootstrap process you will get...
Server Side Rendering(SSR) in Angular 5 with Angular Universal. Angular Universal is not very easy to get it right for the first time. After going through Angular Universal documentation...
Continuous Integration is something like building the pipeline to do continuous delivery and deployment. You have built and deployed your application in some hosting service. What if any minor...
You are done with development of your application now you want to build and deploy your application to test it out live. Heroku is a cloud platform it is...
Docker makes things a lot more easier. Docker is a containerization platform basically it runs your application bundled with required operating system file system, libraries and required...
@ViewChild() Decorator in Angular 5 : Decorators: Decorators are like functions and they are called with the prefix symbol @ in Angular 5. 1. Decorators immediately follows the class, function,...
Directives: Directives are almost similar like HTML elements. If you see a placeholder property of an HTML input element it's a built-in directive of HTML element. There are 3 different...
Implementing Route Resolver in Angular 6: Sometimes it is not only enough to validate the JWT token at the front end but you also want to send it to...
At some point of time in your application you do feel like the size of the application is growing and starts having doubt about application performance. Initially at one go...
Getting Started with Electron in Angular 5: Electron helps you to build Desktop applications, this does not mean that you have to code in different languages and learn more...
Angular 5 Global HTTP Error Interceptor: At some point in your application you feel the need like handling the HTTP errors, Whenever you do an HTTP request or make...
This article will show you the more easier way of making use of Angular Material 2 components in your project. How to Use Angular Material 2 in Angular 4+...
As you all know about JWT authentication and normal auth guards. They will give users permission to sign in and access required route. Now you want to restrict certain routes...
Angular 4 Form Array Dynamically Adding And Removing Form Fields. What I love most about the Angular is handling the forms the way you want. There are two types...
Sharing Data Between Angular Components Using Input Output Decorators is a very important concept in Angular. People who begin with using Angular in their application end up using one...
As I tried all the other methods like passing data from 1. Parent to child component using Input() decorator(allows you to pass data via template), 2. From child to parent...
Fetch YouTube Videos Using YouTube Data API V3 In Angular 5! YouTube Data API has now moved from version 2 to version 3. Some of the things have been changed!...
How To Install GO Language On Linux/Debian Based Systems Step 1: Download GO GO to this link https://golang.org/dl/ Click on Linux/Debian, and download will start automaticcally. Step 2: Extract Go and Install Extract Go...
Creating Login and Registration Application Using NodeJS and MySQL! rather than using any Object Oriented Programming Languages to interact with back-end databases, we are going to use pure Javascript...
CURL is a command-line tool for getting and sending data using various protocols. CURL supports various protocols. like DICT, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP (with HTTP/2 support), HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, HTTP proxy tunneling, HTTPS, IMAP, Kerberos, LDAP, POP3, RTSP, SCP, and SMTP. In the Windows platform, if a CA certificate file is not...
Assuming that you already know little about Html, Css and GitHub. Since We are going to work with these languages directly by no means we don't need any expertise...
One of the best and easiest way I come across to do this operation! If you want you can do this operation with coding but here I will explain...
One of the great way to make your website visitors to like and share your content with their Facebook and also even you can make them follow your Facebook...
Most of the web-developers now-a-days possess atleast some knowledge of Javascript, irrespective of the platform in which they are working. And Javascript implementation is very common! to use third...
Designers are meant to be loved, not to be understood.